We support the just position expounded in the statement. 我们支持声明中所阐明的正义立场。
First, in my current position ( where I sometimes hire junior managers), I see resumes that start with an "objective statement" at the top, briefly noting what kind of position the person is seeking, but these are mostly hot air. 首先,在我当前的职位中(有时候我会负责招聘初级经理),我看到许多简历的开头都写着“目标宣言”,通常是说明这个人想要获得的职位。
Article 60 A statement of changes in financial position is an accounting statement that reflects comprehensively the sources and application of working capital and its changes during an accounting period. 第六十条财务状况变动表是综合反映一定会计期间内营运资金来源和运用及其增减变动情况的报表。
In the next example, the position() function is used in the predicate for the xsl: apply-templates statement, which selects names that have a position of1. 在下一个例子中,position()函数用在xsl:apply-templates语句的谓词中,选择具有位置1的名称。
If you move the position update statement to a different package it is necessary to perform a configure. 如果将位置更新语句移动到不同的包,则需要进行相应的配置。
The RACGP's position statement on homeopathy, released on Wednesday, follows recent findings by the National Health and Medical Research Council that homeopathy produces no benefits over and above a placebo. 根据近日以来全国卫生与医学研究委员会得出的发现,星期三,澳大利亚皇家普通医师学会发表立场声明提出,顺势治疗法并不能提供超过安慰剂的效用。
Ultimately, the length of the paragraph depends on its topic, its position in the essay and its role in the development of the thesis statement. 关键是,段落的长短要视全篇文章的需要而定,比如要看该文章的主题是什么,本段落在全文中的所处位置,以及它在阐述文章观点过程中有何作用。
Clinical value, cost-effectiveness, and safety of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy: a position statement. 心肌灌注显像的临床价值,成本收益和安全性评价。
Also called statement of financial position or statement of assets and liabilities. 也被称为财务状况表或者资产与负债表。
Peas have long held prime position as "nutrition superstars" said an American Chemical Society press statement. 美国化学协会新闻发布会中表示,豌豆长时间来一直处于“营养超级明星”的地位。
The position statement says that ongoing research is needed to assess the efficacy of these strategies. 有声明说,正在进行的研究有必要对这些策略的功效进行评估。
The format of the statement of financial position is influenced by the users of this statement and by the regulations within which it is prepared e.g. 财务状况表的格式受报表用户及其准备的依据条例影响,例如。
( UNS/ SABIR) United Nations System Position Statement on India 联合国系统关于印度的立场声明
Furthermore, according to Ross, our experience of many individual cases puts us in a position to recognize the validity of a general statement like'Is is wrong to cause needless pain. 进一步来说,对于罗斯来说,我们的许多个人经验使得我们能够认清如“导致不必要的痛苦是不当的”这种一般陈述的正确性。
Unequivocal evidence; took an unequivocal position; an unequivocal success; an unequivocal promise; an unequivocal ( or univocal) statement. 确切的证据;站在明确的立场上;毫无疑问的成功;明确的允诺;明确的声明。
It shall also transmit quarterly to its members a summary statement of its financial position and a profit and loss statement showing the results of its operations. 银行还应每季度向其成员发送银行财务状况总表及损益表,说明其业务经营状况。
Study on advantages between statement of changes in financial position and cash flow statement 现金流量表取代财务状况变动表优势分析
National council of teachers of mathematics passed a position statement regarding algebra for everyone, which prompted a growing number of American mathematics educators began focusing on the research of algebraic thinking instruction, and advanced algebraic big ideas as the clue of throughout algebra instruction. 全美数学教师理事会关于为每个人的代数的报告,促使了越来越多的数学教育专家开始关注代数思维的教学研究,提出了代数核心思想作为贯穿整个中小学代数教学的主线。
In terms of the relationship between the syntactic position of the predicate and the stating function, we think that only nouns with the function of statement can be placed in the position of the predicates. 从谓语句法位置与表述功能的关系出发,我们认为具有陈述义的名词才可以进入谓语句法位置。
We should recognize, calculate, record and report Goodwill properly to express financial position of enterprise and supply the demand of the information of the financial statement users. 正确确认、计量、记录和报告企业商誉,才能真实反映企业财务状况,满足会计信息使用者的需求。
Position statement: Decrease the incidence of antibiotic resistance PositionStatement:减少抗生素耐药的发生率
Focusing on financial resources and position, the existing enterprise financial statement system has obvious limitations and attracts widespread criticism. 现行以财务资源与财务状况为重心的企业财务报告体系存在明显的局限,受到各界的激烈批评。
Its theoretical basis lies on the legislative special concern towards the inferior position of criminal defendant and the principle of statement. 其理论基础主要在于立法对刑事被告人弱势地位的特别关注以及对言词原则的体现。